For Book Clubs

IGNITE THE SHADOWS 1) How has hiding her struggle with the shadows from everyone affected Marci’s personality? 2) Why does Xave want to appear tough and in control? 3) Discuss Marci’s relationship with her mother. 4) How plausible would it be for a different species...

Ignite The Shadows Trailer Reveal

  Trailer Blurb Giveaway In 1 months my YA Sci-Fi novel IGNITE THE SHADOWS will be released by one of the best publishers in the world: Harper Voyager UK! One of the few selected out of 5000 submissions, this is a novel I wrote with passion for my beloved YA...

Meet Lexie Dunne

Today on the blog, I’d like to meet Lexie Dunne. Her debut novel was published this year by Harper Voyager Impulse and the sequel comes out this summer, for which I cannot wait. To share a bit about Lexie, I can tell you that she started writing from an early age,...

Ignite The Shadows Cover Reveal

  Cover Blurb Giveaway In 2 months my YA Sci-Fi novel IGNITE THE SHADOWS will be released by one of the best publishers in the world: Harper Voyager UK! One of the few selected out of 5000 submissions, this is a novel I wrote with passion for my beloved YA genre....

Write A Book In Your Lunch Hour

An author’s gotta eat and so does her family. There’s that AND other pesky, little things that sit at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which every human being has to take care of before aspiring to greater things . . . like writing all the words that make up...